Thursday, November 22, 2018

Harry Styles - Harry Styles

Harry Styles - Harry Styles (2017)

Genre: Pop Rock, Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Pop

Harry Styles of One Direction fame, released his debut solo album in 2017, with some interesting results.  This album is being reviewed per request. As a reminder, I do not intend for this to be a really in-depth and complex review. I'm just sharing my quick personal thoughts on the album. As for any album review I will do, I try to be objective without letting any personal bias get too much in the way of the final grade.

Most fans may agree that Harry Styles always seemed to have the most potential within One Direction, and this album has been a small step in proving that statement. I was already fully aware of his hit-single Sign of the Times before the release of this record. It's quite a beautiful piano-rock ballad. It gave me some optimism, as I expected that at least a couple of other tracks would be able to match it. I can't say that my expectations were exceeded, but I was still pleasantly surprised.

Harry has definitely matured in his songwriting since his One Direction days. Throughout the record you will notice lots of influences from 60's and 70's R&B and some funk sprinkled in. Carolina blew me away with its hypnotic bass groove and sultry guitar rhythms. Styles' vocal performance on the track is incredibly seductive and appropriately powerful as well, and it left me wanting more. Nothing on the album after that was able to match it, unfortunately. Only Angel and Kiwi seem to try and one up Carolina with its more hard rock style, but fall a bit short on creativity. If anything, they're still decent efforts and the only two worthwhile tracks on the second half of the record.

Sweet Creature seems to get a lot of attention from fans, but I personally thought it was pretty overrated. The song's finger-plucked riff sounds like it could have taken inspiration from The Beatles' Blackbird. It's tasteful, but a bit generic in my book. What really killed the momentum for me, were the last three tracks, which unfortunately, have the distinction of being the three worst tracks on the album. They're not bad, per se, but there was potential there to close off the album on a high note, and instead, Harry just let it simmer down for the last 13 minutes or so. 

Ironically, I personally feel that the strongest tracks on this record were the first three. Although I still did enjoy the songs in between, it's unfortunate that it had to dwindle down and lose its momentum as much as it did. With that said, Harry's debut definitely shows promise in his songwriting abilities and his ability to blend classic rock influences were for the most part, simple, but appreciated. I expect him to grow more and for a first try, it's pretty solid.


Favorite Tracks: Meet Me In The Hallway, Sign Of The Times, Carolina

Least Favorite Track: Ever Since New York

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